How to Obtain EV Code Signing Certificate for Azure?

Microsoft offers an "Azure Key Vault" which is responsible for storing and managing secrets, keys, and certificates. All of them are present in a Hardware Security Module (HSM) that adheres to the standards of the industry. This suggests that EV Code Signing with Azure Key Vault removes the need for a cryptographic token to be issued. The vault itself is enough for the purpose.

With EV code signing, it is possible to practice key management, secrets management, and even certificate management. In this process, it proves to be a one-stop solution for your security requirements. It also empowers the idea of signing codes in a more secure environment that is tamper-free and protects data integrity.

Using an Azure Key Vault comes with numerous other benefits. For starters, it can monitor who is accessing the software so that the identity can be authorized. It is also integrated with other Azure services to give you full-proof protection against diverse malicious activities. Apart from this, the secure storage of keys and secrets is bulletproof, which makes it almost impossible for a third party to tamper with confidential data.

Benefits of EV Code Signing Certificate for Azure

  • Enhances Your Trust

For any customer to trust your organization, it is important that you provide not just quality services but also protect the information they trust you with. Whether it is their location, their name, or even their address, that matter, every customer wants to make sure their data integrity is safe with the organization they count on. In case the company fails to do so, it can be very detrimental to the customer. Not only does the customer stop trusting the firm altogether, but it also impacts their revenue. As a result, the company is bound to incur massive financial losses. To avoid all this at once, EV code signing with Azure key vault can help.

The Azure Key Vault provides a safe space for all types of keys and codes that do not require to be stored in a cryptographic token. It provides better security for your customers, which eventually leads to better trust.

  • Helps Protect Against Malware and Malicious Tampering

Every year, thousands of people report increasing cyber crimes that involve third-party penetrators and their malicious activities. These may come in the form of Malware, Ransomware, hacking, and so much more.

But if the customer data is not protected using the right technologies, chances are, these third-party penetrators might cause harm to their information too. That is why when you acquire an Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificate, you can instantly make your server bullet-proof against Malware and Malicious tampering.

By opting for Azure key vault, you can store, protect, and manage your certificates, keys, and secrets without any hindrances. As a result, the risk of malware and malicious penetration into your software will reduce to a minimum.

  • Establishes Publisher’s Identity

The identity of the publisher is significant to ensure the code that is being sent to the other server is authenticated, trustworthy, and free of any data tampering. For this purpose, the Azure Active Directory authenticates the publisher’s identity successfully.

When the identity of the publisher is established in the process, the risk of data integrity being compromised is minimized automatically. Apart from this, there is a greater level of security and assurance that the customer can enjoy with an organization. This is how the Azure key vault sign certificate can be useful.

Prerequisites for Obtaining EV Code Signing Certificate for Azure

Azure provides specific leverages for obtaining EV Code Signing Certificate so you know what to expect from this potential software.

1. Azure is an automated system to store the information and login credentials it receives.

2. With Azure key vault, it is easier to access keys as it reduces the time taken. This is due to Azure being in the same environment and having the ability to integrate it into the pipeline.

3. It helps people to manage the keys properly and import them.

4. Azure allows only the owner to access the vault. In fact, its security is so powerful that even Microsoft itself cannot view or extract the keys that are cryptographic.

Steps to Obtain an Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificate

  1. Research Different EV Code Signing Certificate Providers for Azure

    There are various types of EV code signing certificate providers for Azure. So, you may want to conduct comprehensive research on all of them before you choose one. Try to understand why each is different from the other and what they can offer to you. Accordingly, you can select your preferred certificate and go ahead to secure your software in need. Also, do not forget to consider the price range of each certificate. Choose one that is not just nominal but also fits into the right criteria.

  2. Choose an appropriate EV Code Signing Provider

Choosing an EV code signing provider that adheres to your security requirements is critical. For starters, it must provide unlimited signing features. However, remember to verify this so that you can ensure that there is no limitation at all provided by the concerned Certificate Authorities.

At times, they do have a limitation you must know about beforehand. Apart from this, make sure that your certificate provider is reliable enough to count on. Verify that by evaluating their market reputation, considering customer testimonials and their years of experience in this sector. Also, consider certificates for both commercial and individual software publishers for the utmost convenience.

  1. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The certificate request file or Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is the most basic step in creating a certificate or even installing one. It is generated on the same server where the certificate is downloaded for further use. The CSR has a little confidential information regarding your organization that helps Certificate Authorities to approve the process and help you generate a CSR. It also has a public key that is significant for your certificate, along with a private key.

  1. Submit Documentation to Validate Identity and Authenticate the Organization

    As discussed above, the authorization of your identity and the authentication of your organization are key elements to generating an “Azure Key Vault Sign Certificate”. For this purpose, make sure that all your documents are submitted right on time. Do not forget to check all the information correctly to make sure there is no risk of accuracy anywhere. In case you find any, correct the errors immediately so that there are no hindrances in your validation of identity and authentication of the organization.

  2. Acquire EV Code Signing Certificate from your Chosen Provider

At this point, you will be issued your EV code signing certificate and get it installed on the server. When you are setting up your Azure vault, make sure you log in to your Azure portal. Then, tap on Create a Resource. After that, start searching for Key Vault there and then tap on Create to generate your vault.


Azure Key Vault is a powerful means to beat the problems of security on your device as well as manage and store your certificates, keys, or secrets safely. Azure Key Vault is the primary location where you can store private keys and EV Code Signing Certificate to automate the digital signing procedure.